RICT SOP ...... Step by Step Process at Account Office or S.O

Sunday, 19 May 20190 comments

RICT CBS -Branch Office Transactions
(i) New Account Opening at BOs through RICT device [SB/RD/TD accounts]
BO (SB, RD & TD) New Account will be opened henceforth through RICT devices in rolled out BOs.
Branch Postmaster will follow the following steps:-
(A) Procedural Steps to be followed at BO-
1. BPM will examine New Account Opening Form (AOF) and ensure that all the mandatory fields are
filled by depositor.
2. If depositor is already having an account in BO, BPM will write CIF number on the AOF from the list
of migrated accounts provided by Account Office.
3. BPM will ensure that depositor has pasted photo on AOF.
4. BPM will scan signature(s) and photo from AOF with the help of device as mentioned in process of
5. (i) BPM will take Identity Proof, Address Proof of the depositor and ensure that name and address
filled in the AOF tallies with the ID and Address proof. Obtaining PAN or Form 60 in respect of an
account (SB/RD/TD) is mandatory when amount to be deposited is exceed Rs. 50000/- while
opening such accounts. BPM, will therefore obtained copy of either PAN or Form 60.
(ii) As far as possible copy of Aadhar card should be obtained while opening of the accounts. If it
carry photo & address of the depositor, Aadhar card only be enough as ID & Address proof of the
6. BPM will attest ID and Address Proof with his/her signature and place date stamp. BPM will also
sign on AOF and place date stamp.
7. BPM will take SB-103 duly filled by depositor and the amount for opening the account.
8. BPM will continue to follow the existing procedure of issue of Preliminary Receipt (SB-26), pasting
of SS Slip in SS Book and maintenance of BOSB, BORD and BOTD Journals.
9. On completion of the account opening process in RICT device, BPM will note Transaction ID
generated by the device on AOF and SB-103. Transaction ID should also be noted on SB-26 and
10. On completion of Account Opening process by device, BPM will generate three (3) copies of
acknowledgment slip. One copy will be given to depositor, one copy should be attached with AOF
and third copy will be kept for office record.
11. AOF along with acknowledgement slip, PR (SB-26) and Pay-In-Slip (SB-103) will be sent to
Account Office by following the existing procedure.
12. Images will be saved by the BPM. On completion of the process a unique ID /transaction ID will be
(B)] Steps need to be followed on the device-
1. Log In on CBS Client application
2. Select – Open New Account

3. Enter the details
4. Take print of acknowledgement receipt
5. Capture KYC (Signature & Photo) & Save
(C) Steps to be followed at Account Office -
1. When new account is opened at any BO and Account Opening Form (AOF) is received at Account
Office along with Pay-In-Slip and SB-26, User will follow the new account opening process as
being presently followed i.e CIF Creation and Account Opening.
2. In addition to following the existing process, the unique reference no. mentioned on AOF by BPM
should be entered in RICT Unique no. field in the account opening screen.
3. After opening of account and its verification by the Supervisor, User will fund the account in case of
Savings Account for the amount mentioned in AOF and SB-103 as being done presently.
4. The new Account number and CIF number (if new CIF created) should be noted on AOF, SB-103
and SB-26.
5. Passbook will be printed if printer is working or prepared by Account Office manually and sent to
BPM by following the existing procedure.
6. AO Userwill check on Name utility link with the help of RICT reference no., the picture and
signature image taken by the BPM. If the same are clear & matches with the photo & signature on
the form, the same will be saved.
7. In case the photo& signature image is unclear, the photo & signature image will be scanned and
linked as happening at present This needs to be checked as presently scanning is being done at
CPC(If AO is opening the account and images are being captured by HO, same process will be

8. In case the image & signature captured and picture & Signature on form totally differs, then the
reason should be enquired with BPM at once.
9. AO User will enter the RICT reference no.(Unique No.) on Name change utility portal (why this
portal is named as Name Change Utility)and link these images by entering the account ID and the
CIF ID and images should be saved.
10. At BO, BPM can check (if required) the status of account opening by clicking on menu – New
account enquiry and if account is opened at AO, the account number will be reflected on the
screen (even before arrival of passbook).
11. If depositor wants to do a transaction, BPM can carry out transaction based on the account
12. BPM can also check by entering the provided account number against the transaction ID, whether
correct amount is credited to the customer’s account and the signature image is correct BPM can
get the Account no. from New Account Enquiry menu and on invoking any other menu on client
app if said account no. is entered and any transaction is attempted, the balance in the account &
image can be verified. This is only to counter check, if transaction is not desired BPM may just
cancel the entire transaction..(which menu is to be used for this needs to be added here).
Account Opening Process in Finacle
A. RICT_SB Account Opening & Funding procedure in Finacle at AO
 After opening of account, User will fund the account by following the below steps:-
Use Menu HACLPOA Check the Balance in Office ledger & counter check the Transaction ID generated
and the amount mentioned in the receipt. Open the Account  Invoke HTM Enter Account ID as OAP
Account no.  Enter amount  Credit the newly created account
For further details click here (Office Account number should be mentioned here).
RICT _SB Account Opening and Funding.pdf
B. RICT_RD Account Opening procedure in Finacle at AO
RICT _RD Account Opening at AO.pdf
C. RICT_TD Account Opening Procedure in Finacle at AO

(ii) SB /RD Deposit/ SB Withdrawal at BO (Through RICT device)
1. Deposit / Withdrawal in SB Accounts and Subsequent deposits in RD account will be carried out by
BPM through the device.
2. For this purpose, BPM will follow the existing procedure of taking Deposit Slip or Withdrawal Form
from the depositor, tallying signature with the signature in the device and SS Slip, entry of amount in
relevant BOSB/RD Journal, entering of DLT and DNT etc.
3. After completion of transaction in the device, Transaction ID should be noted on the right hand side
of the Deposit Slip or Withdrawal Form.
4. BPM will print three copies of receipt (voucher) from the device. Original copy of receipt will be
handed over to the customer. The first duplicate copy will be sent to AO with BO Daily Account
(BODA) for each transaction and second duplicate copy will be kept at BO for record.
5. BPM will make due entries in customers’ passbook, BO Journal and SB/RD/TD Journals as
done presently. Till the process stabilizes BPMs should follow manual procedures too, FS
Division would review the SOP after three months & issue further guidelines in this regard
post review.
6. At Account Office, on receipt of BO vouchers, no entry should be made in Finacle. . SPM/ PA has to
check on the daily basis the SB, RD Transactions made by each BO attached to the SOL.
1. Select FINRPT
2. Counter wise Transactions reports –Savings
3. Enter Channel as SDP
4. Enter BO ID
5. Submit

From the Report generated, PA/ SPM should compare the transactions with the vouchers received
from BO for the correctness of the transactions

(iii) BO SB withdrawal above 5000/- (Higher value withdrawal)–
1. The request for a withdrawal of amount more than Rs.5000 can be initiated through device by BPM
using High value withdrawal option but till the stabilization of new process, he will collect the
Withdrawal form (SB-7)too, take customer’s signature and send the verified voucher along with
Passbook to AO for approval.
2. Even though the high value withdrawal request will be visible to the SPM of AO on Finacle on the
same day itself, the request would be approved by the AO only when the physical vouchers with
verified signature would be received from the BO along with Passbook
3. BPM can execute the transaction and disburse the amount (subject to availability of cash) after
receipt of voucher & passbook and from AO duly approved. BPM should follow the remaining
procedure as mentioned for normal withdrawal..
4. On receipt of withdrawal Form and Passbook from BO for sanction of high value withdrawal, PA
and Supervisor will go to HACLI menu and see balance in the account before approving the
request. Signature of depositor should also be compared with the available signatures in Finacle
and PA as well as Supervisor will follow the same procedure as being followed now and sanction
will be sent to BO. SB-45 register will continue to be maintained.
5. When withdrawal form is received from BO after the payment, date of payment should be entered
in SB-45 as done presently.
iv) BO SB account closure
1. Similar to the present process, account closure form should be done at AO (SB-7A& passbook).
No account closure at BO.
Steps to be followed for BO SB Account closure at AO-
1. When SB7A alongwith Passbook is received from BO, User will Invoke the menu HACACCR
2. Enter the details in field “Report To” as PM
3. Select “INR” in CCY field
4. Enter the BO SB account number in the “From A/c ID”
5. Enter the same BO SB account number in the “To A/c ID”
6. Click on “Submit”
7. A message “Batch program successfully lodged “ is displayed
8. A report “Accrual Interest report” is available in the queue. Go to HPR and select the report to

Click on the Print screen for viewing the “Interest accrual report”
10. The total amount accrued as interest till date is displayed at the end of the report.
11. Interest amount shown in the report should be added to the balance in the account and noted On
WARRANT OF PAYMENT of SB7A. This should be sent to Branch Office for closure of SB
account with direction that this is valid up to last working day of the month. Other procedure for
sending sanction to BO should be followed.
12. On receipt of SB7A from BO after closure, invoke the menu HCAAC for account closure.
13. Select the function “CLOSE”
14. Enter the BO SB account number to close
15. Click on the check box “Transfer” in Balance field
16. Enter the BO Settlement account in the “Transfer A/c ID” field
17. Click on Go
18. The balance amount in the account will be displayed in the A/c Information tab
19. Click on the “Closure” tab to select the reason code and click on “Submit”
20. On clicking “Submit”, total amount along with interest will be displayed. BO SB account will be
closed and amount should be credited adjusted in BRANCH SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT (0339).
Transaction ID generated should be noted on SB7A and submitted to Supervisor for verification.
After verification, transaction will appear in LOT and consolidation.
(v) BO RD CLOSURE at Account Office
On receipt of SB7A and Passbook from BO, PA should first invoke Trial Closure for issue of closing
sanction. Same procedure should be followed as being followed for Trial Closure of RD Accounts
standing at SO/HO in Finacle. Enter closing amount in SB7A and after following laid down process of
sanction of BO W/D, Passbook and SB7A should be sent to BO with the direction that sanction is valid
only up to last working day of the month. If customer does not attend BO up to that date, a fresh
sanction is to be obtained by BO for which fresh Trail closure should be invoked. Once paid SB7A
signed by customer duly entered in BO daily Account is received at Account office, following process
to be followed by counter PA:-
1. Invoke CRDCAAC menu.
2. Enter the RD account number
3. Enter the BO date in the Value Date column
4. Closure details will be displayed.
5. Select the repayment mode as “Transfer”
6. Enter the BRANCH SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT (SOLID0339) as Repayment ID
7. Click on “Submit”
Transaction ID will be generated and PA should note that Tran ID on SB7A and hand over to
Supervisor for verification. Supervisor should verify transaction using same menu and option “Verify”.
Once, transaction is verified by Supervisor, transaction will appear in LOT and consolidation.

(vi) B.O Interest Payment of 2,3 & 5 Years TD accounts at Account Office
When SB7 is received from BO for sanction of interest, PA at Account Office (SO/HO). First Invoke
the menu HTDTRAN or HIOT to check the interest accrued for the said TD account. Following
procedure should be followed:-
1. Enter the SOL ID
2. Select the scheme type as None
3. Enter the TD Sundry account Number
4. Enter the period wherein the TD interest has accrued (Start date and end date)
5. Enter the TD account number in the Ref No. field
6. Click on Submit
7. Accrued TD interest is displayed.
The interest accrued can be viewed in the HPR report. The interest accrued should be written in the
Payment Warrant (SB7) and after signature of Supervisor, send back SB-7 to BO concerned after
following the laid down procedure for sending sanction to BO.On receipt of TD SB7 after payment from
BO, the following procedure has to be followed by PA for entering the Interest paid on TD account in
case of 2/3/5 TD through HTM-
1. Counter PA to invoke HTM menu
2. Select the Function – Add
3. Select the Transaction type – Cash/Cash Transfer
4. Select the Transaction Type as Debit and enter the SUNDRY DEPOSIT TD account number (0335) This
needs to be changed in the light of different Sundry Accounts created for 2,3, and 5 Year TD)
5. Enter the amount of TD interest paid
6. Enter the BO TD account number in the reference column
7. Click on GO
8. Enter the BO TD account number in the Ref. No. field
9. Click on GO
10. Click on the required row which contains the unpaid TD interest for the said BO TD account.
11. Click on Accept
12. Click on the Credit Radio Button “Credit” and enter the BRANCH SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT (SOLID 0339)
and in Ref No. field, enter TD Account number.
13. Click on Submit. Interest paid with respect to BO TD account in case of TD 2/3/5 is completed.
(vii) CLOSURE OF BO TD ACCOUNT at Account Office
When SB7A is received from BO for sanction of TD closure, Invoke TD Trial closure for the required
BO TD account and send SB7A to BO concerned by filling closure amount on Warrant by following the
laid down procedure for sending sanction to BO. Before doing Trial Closure, unpaid TD interest if any
should be checked by using HTDTRAN or HIOT menu. Total amount to be paid alongwith unpaid
interest should be mentioned on the SB7A on the Warrant of Payment Side with signatures of
Supervisor. It should also be mentioned that sanction is valid up to last working day of the month and if
customer does not come for closure up to that day, fresh sanction should be obtained. All other

provisions mentioned in the rules should be followed. On receipt of closed voucher from BO, the
following procedure to be followed
1. Invoke the menu HCAACTD.
2. Select the Function (Z – Close) select closure (Trial Close selected in the screen shot)
3. Enter the BO TD account which was closed at Branch Office based on the sanction of SO/HO.
4. Enter the BO Date in the Closure Value Date field
5. Click on SVS (Signature Verification System) icon to verify the signature in the BO withdrawal
6. Click on GO
7. BO TD account details will be displayed. Check the amount of principal.
8. Click on “Closure Details” Tab
9. Select the R-Repayment A/c only option for BO Accounts
Enter the BRANCH SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT (SOLD ID 0339) in the Repayment A/c ID field
10. Click on “Closure Exceptions” Tab
11. Enter the Branch Office Settlement Account (SOLID 0339)
12. Select the Closure Reason Code as NORMAL from the Searcher
13. Closure details detailing the principal, interest adjustment and actual Booked Interest (Rs.10,000 +
Rs.405.94) paid as maturity proceeds to the BO TD account to be verified with the voucher.
Click on Submit. BO TD account closed at Branch Office is closed at Account Office. Transaction ID
Generated by the system has to be noted on the SB7A and handed over to Supervisor for verification.
After verification, transaction would appear in LOT and Consolidation. If any unpaid interest is available
in TD Sundry Office Account, that also needs to be withdrawan by using HTM menu as mentioned
(viii) Daily Accounting Procedure at Account Office-
BPM on completion of Day’s work in CBS will generate the Daily Transaction Report from the device.
Along with the vouchers, BPM will send the daily transaction report to AO duly entered in BO Daily
Account and BO Journal.
Steps to check BO Transaction report at Account Office-
1. AO (PA/SPM) will check the reports of BO by invoking menu FINRPT
The flow is as follows -
2.1 Select counter wise Transaction report

2.2 Select Channel SDP and BOID

2.3 Print report

2. The BO wise reports would be generated daily by the AO and kept for reference day wise
3. In sub accounts, the amount mentioned in Branch Office Daily Account (BODA) should be entered
and the amount mentioned for Savings Bank will be tallied with reports generated from Finacle for that
respective date. (If there is Transit of a day or more & For e.g. BODA for 14.10.16 is received on
15/16/17.10.16 [D+1, D+2, D+3 transit], in sub accounts the amount will be mentioned on day of
receipt as per BODA and vouchers sent along, but it will be counterchecked with reports from Finacle
of 14.10.16 to confirm genuineness of amount mentioned.
Note: In case on any moment BPM is apprehensive that whether the carried out transaction
process is completed or not (for e.g. He has made a deposit/withdrawal and due to connectivity
issues or any other reason he is not sure that transaction got completed or not) He should
generate the daily transaction report or mini statement for that particular account and
check/confirm whether transaction is appearing in it. He should not make duplicate
transactions before checking itself, otherwise there will be multiple (wrong) transactions in an
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