I. Aptitude Test (Paper I) for all the postal circles is completed. The List of shortlisted candidates for the Computer Typing / Data Entry (PAPER II) for Andhra Pradesh, Gujrat, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Assam, Chhattisgarh,Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, North East, Odisha, West Bengal Postal Circles is given in the link below:
II.The above Short List has been prepared in accordance with the procedure published in the Notification No 60-9/2009 SPB1 dated 8-5-2012. The candidates who figure in the above list have qualified for appearing in the Paper II based on marks in the Paper I.
III The list is in order of Roll Number.
IV. Paper II is tentatively scheduled on 10th,11th,24th,25th,31th August 2013 and 1st September 2013
V. Admit Card for Paper II will be dispatched shortly. Admit Card can also be generated on this website by the candidates.
For Detail List of Shortlisted candidates please visit.
Facility of generation of Admit Card by the shortlisted candidate will be available on this website from 1100AM on 22/07/2013.