SpeedPost City Selection problem : While booking speed articles in point of sale the name of the city selected automatically appears in po name column previously. After upgradation in the po name column the city name does not appear automatically and when we type the city name and press enter key, city name goes to the pincode column.
The recommended practice of selecting a destination office is...
1.Select the speed post city
2.Then all the linked offices connected to that spc will be available in the POName dropdown box.
3.Using the down arrow key either you can select from the available offices
You can type first few characters of the officename in the POName drop down box and then press F8 to get the list of offices with pincode.
Then press enter key..the pincode will automatically appear in the pincode text box.
Soution received from PTC, Mysore
The recommended practice of selecting a destination office is...
1.Select the speed post city
2.Then all the linked offices connected to that spc will be available in the POName dropdown box.
3.Using the down arrow key either you can select from the available offices
You can type first few characters of the officename in the POName drop down box and then press F8 to get the list of offices with pincode.
Then press enter key..the pincode will automatically appear in the pincode text box.
Soution received from PTC, Mysore